Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Zuviel Punkte

I have struggled with Weight Watchers off and on. That's in addition to struggling with my weight. Weight Watchers itself is a fire-breathing dragon one must conquer in order to bend it to your will. There are umpteen and eleventy-one rules and edicts to follow, and you have to religiously keep track of everything you put in your mouth.

Sunday I went to Germanfest in Milwaukee. Es war spass! Ich habe Milwaukee gern! The festival area has Real Toilets every 50 yards, which rates highly with me. I got my German on--rocked out to the oompah brass bands (which provide employment for tuba players everywhere), drank delicious beer and ate lovely pretzels and potato pancakes. I also bought a flower wreath for my head, which you can see in this unfortunately accurate photo of me.

So this is the problem: German food is zuviel Punkte! Practically every single morsel of German food is over 10 points! You can't get away with under 30 points per meal! It's all pork and potatoes, pork rolled up and fried up and fried again and slathered with pork and some more pork. Would you like pork with that? I had the vegetarian special--beer, pretzels, and potato pancakes. Beer and pretzels go together to form a complete carbohydrate, I believe. Actually, the lowest point item and probably the most nutritious offering at Germanfest was the beer. I calculated I ate 11,314 points on Sunday. I wonder what German Weight Watchers meetings are like...poor miserable souls trapped in a land of fried starch. Oh well, these are my people and I love them.

Now if the Dominicans can ever get their act together and throw a festival, I can satisfy the other side of my family tree...


Bluestem said...

As I'm sure I don't need to tell you, they don't eat like that in Germany. Lots of fresh fruit and vegetables! Lots of hiking to tuba practice! And home again to the kleine Kinder! To bounce them on your accordian, ja! (why does that sound so disturbing?)

Tish said...

Bouncing on an accordion is ok. It's when you squeeze the accordion that things could become uncomfortable. ;-)

Once again, as soon as a perfectly healthy cuisine is brought to America, it turns into a buttfest of grease. We've managed to render Mediterranean cooking, German, French, Chinese, you name it, into heart attacks to go.

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